Legal Mentions

Copyright and Intellectual Property

The general structure and the texts, photos and images which make up this site are the property of Beauty Health and Care.
Any reproduction, total or partial, and any representation of the substantial content of this site, by any process whatsoever, without the express authorisation, is prohibited and constitutes an infringement sanctioned by the Intellectual Property Code.  

Gathering and using the information on the site for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. 

This restriction includes, but is not limited to, any written content appearing  on the site, its on-screen presentation, the software required for its operation, and any logos, images or graphics of any kind whatsoever.  Non-contractual photographs. 

For more information, please contact Choruk HASSAN : +33 6 63 05 60 40

Design and creation:


Web editor and Host information

Web design, graphic design and hosting provided by ABProd :

42 rue de la République - 36000 Châteauroux
Site Internet :
Tel : +33 2 54 27 85 54
This web site is hosted by ABPROD.


Person responsible for wording and publishing

Choruk HASSAN, Manager, is responsible for publishing all important information on the website. 

Email :
Tel : +33 6 63 05 60 40


Beauty Health and Care has no other representaitves, partners or contacts than those provided on our site.